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Conference Program
- Conference program at the University in Chicago Center in Beijing: “Cervantes in his 400th Anniversary in China.”
- Why Cervantes in China?: Hyperreality and Cevantine Cultural encounters in Beijing 2016 (Tang Xianzu, Shakespeare, Cervantes, and Borges)
— Juan Pablo Gil-Osle, Arizona State University
- Salvador Dalí’s Don Quixote: High Art or Kitsch?
— William Daniel Holcombe, Clemson University
- Mammoth Woolly Migrations: Transhumance, Extinction, and the Cervantine Shepherd
— Margaret Marek, Illinois College
- Transcendental metagenre travelers: a background of the reception of Cervantes’ Don Quixote in Spain and France
— Vicente Pérez de León, University of Glasgow
— Véronique Duché, University of Melbourne
- “ . . . And things that go bump in the night:” Narrative Deferral, the Supernatural, and the Metafictive Uncanny in Don Quijote
— Christopher Weimer, Oklahoma State University
- La enseñanza y la aceptación de las obras de Cervantes en China desde métodos multidisciplinarios
— Zhang Jingting, Universidad de Estudios Internacionales de Shanghái
- “Yo sé quién soy”: La quijotización de Dulcinea y la dulcinización de Don Quijote en una película de Vicente Escrivá
— María José Domínguez, Arizona State University
- 21st-Century Quixotes: Interdisciplinary Approaches and Global Classrooms
— Rogelio Miñana, Drexel University
Book Reviews
- Alexandre de Gusmão, The Story of the Predestined Pilgrim and His Brother Reprobate, in Which, through a Mysterious Parable, Is Told the Felicitous Success of the One Saved and the Unfortunate Lot of the One Condemned. Trans., with an introd. and Index by Christopher C. Lund. Tempe, AZ: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2016. Xxxv, 137 pp., plates. ISBN: 9780866985444
- Juan Pablo Gil-Osle. Barbara Fuchs, The Poetics of Piracy: Emulating Spain in English Literature. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013. pp. 186. ISBN: 9780812244755
- Andrés F. Ruiz-Olaya. Franklin G.Y. Pease, El mar peruano: mitos andinos y europeos. Comp. Nicanor Domínguez Faura. Lima: Sociedad Geográfica de Lima. 2015
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